Sunday, October 3, 2010


This Saturday I was out for my morning stroll around the city and I found a street fair! They pop out of I took a detour down the street to see what was going on. 

I found a lot of cool stuff...if only I could buy it all! I ended up going home with a Pinocchio necklace. I had a hard time choosing between all of the necklaces they had I just went with the most different one. Owl necklaces are overrated.

Here's some of the other cool stuff I saw...

Later in the night I ended up going to a rooftop birthday party downtown by Wallstreet. It was a chill little BBQ nothing too out of the ordinary. It was a whole lot of explaining to people who we were and what our story was, since we were only there because Pamela knew the birthday girl. It was nice because I could even see a few stars on the clear October night. 

Last stop by me and Pamela...Greenhouse...we had to go just for old times sake. It was a good dancing reunion. All of this on one Saturday night...Now you know a part of the life of me and Pamela...but sorry we can't tell you all our secrets...there has to be some mystery to us!

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