Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Going UK

It's official! My dresses are going overseas to the UK :) A boutique saw my ustrendy and placed an order for 15!! I now have 11 days to make 15 dresses...hope all goes well. Im kinda jealous my designs are making it out of the country before me! Either way im soo excited to see what the UK thinks of my craziness.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Io Son Per Te L' Amore

Soo...remember that music video that I volunteered in a while back for the italian singer? Well...I finally have got around to posting it on my blog lol...I met a lot of really awesome and talented people on set for this video and got to have a taste of a new experience! Since I am wearing a mask you cant really tell its me...but if you know my can def tell that shot :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

2 cakes and a rooftop

Heres the round 2 pics from my bday adventures :)

1 rooftop lounge with empire state view, 2 birthday cakes, avenue, bottles of champagne,  artichoke pizza, and hot dogs at 5 am. Best birthday ever with the best friends a girl could ask for!!

Party like its my birthday

Thanks everyone for the bday wishes...and for everyone who made it out with me this weekend! I started out friday night at Hurricane Club for dinner. Then we went over to Riff Raff. Riff Raff is pretty nice on the inside...and the cool part is they paint your face! Jess and Pat came all the way from New Jersey...thank god...Jess has an amazing camera and got some cool pics!

Saturday for my bday I headed over to brighton beach to get my tan on and ended up running into some friends. After we got back to the city we hung out on the hudson river at the frying pan.

I then headed over to the new Dream hotel rooftop...amazing view with the empire state building! Perfect way to end my birthday... jessica and stephanie decided to show up after first going to the wrong place! They brought me a you girls! Of course we were a little messy eating it and the workers werent too happy. Over all amazing bday... Hello 22...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Living in leopard

After my little moving incident...moving my whole apt in my leopard print pony hair jeffrey wedges...i decided for my bday present to myself I would get a new pair of jeffreys. Maybe these ones will bring me better with all the sewing orders I have done lately I deserved to do something nice for myself...right? Happy birthday to me :) what would I do without my jeffreys?


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